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Call 1.844.SASKTEL

Automatically redial a busy number and find out the number of the last incoming caller. Call Return is always available on your line for only 50 cents per use.

When you're trying to get through to a busy number, Busy Call Return will redial for you automatically and notify you if the line becomes free within 30 minutes. Plus, you can have more than one redial request going at the same time. 

When you can't make it to the phone, find out who called by using Last Call Return. You'll hear the phone number of the last incoming caller, and if you subscribe to Call Waiting, the beep becomes the last call, so you can find out who that beep was.

The monthly charge includes Busy Call Return and Last Call Return.

Want more features?

Subscribe to our Calling Feature Package and get our 10 most popular calling features for only $10 per month!


  • Not available to customers in Uranium City or Kinoosao. 
  • Some numbers cannot be provided by Last Call Return (i.e., blocked calls, payphone calls, cellular calls). 
  • The default setting for business customers is to block the Busy Call Return announcement. 
  • When adding Calling Features to Multi-line customers, the feature must be added to each line.
A service connection charge of $9.00 will apply. If multiple Calling Features are ordered per session, you will only be charged one service connection charge.