Wireless Spending Limit
Wireless Spending Limit
The Wireless Spending Limit helps you manage your wireless charges by setting a spending threshold for your device.
Each SaskTel wireless device has a set spending limit, which is determined by your credit check results. Your spending limit can be found in your wireless contract, or by calling 1-800-SASKTEL (1-800-727-5835). If you pay your wireless bill every month and don’t opt-out of data caps, it’s very unlikely that you’ll ever reach your spending limit.
How spending limits work
Your spending limit is a cap on the charges for your device, which includes monthly recurring charges, one-time charges, usage and overage charges (airtime, long distance, text messages, data), and taxes.
If you reach your spending limit, we’ll turn off services that would incur additional usage or overage charges, such as pay-per-use text messaging or voice and data over the amount included in your plan. You'll still be able to use services that are included with your plan, such as unlimited texting and your allotted amount of voice and data.
To restore full service, you just need to make a spending limit top-up payment.
Text notifications
If you’re a smartphone user, we’ll send you a text letting you know you’ve reached 80% of your spending limit. To avoid service disruption, you can pay down your device balance at this time by making a spending limit top-up payment.
If you reach 100% of your spending limit, we’ll send you another text letting you know your chargeable services have been temporarily disabled. To restore full service, you’ll need to make a spending limit top-up payment.
The text notifications will have a link to our online Spending limit top-up tool.
Tablets and mobile Internet sticks cannot receive text messages, so users won’t receive any notice before they reach their spending limit.
Voice Announcements
If you've reached your spending limit and try to place an outgoing call that would incur additional charges, you'll hear a voice announcement letting you know that you're voice service has been temporarily turned off. To turn your voice service back on, you'll need to top-up your spending limit.
Changing your spending limit
You can choose to decrease your spending limit (for example on your child’s phone) if you want to keep a tighter limit on overage charges. If your account is in good standing, you may be able to qualify for an increased limit.
See Managing your wireless spending limit for additional information on managing your spending limit, which services are affected, restoring your services, making spending limit top-up payments, and changing your spending limit.