SaskTel Supports Make-A-Wish Saskatchewan, Helps Bring Children’s Wishes to Life

SaskTel Supports Make-A-Wish Saskatchewan, Helps Bring Children’s Wishes to Life

December 17, 2024

SaskTel Supports Make-A-Wish Saskatchewan

As we approach the most wonderful time of the year with Jack Frost once again nipping at our nose, you can almost sense a feeling of joy in the air.

In Saskatoon, Make-A-Wish Saskatchewan is helping to spread that holiday cheer with an event known as Trees of Joy. The event creates a sense of community, inspires corporate social responsibility, spreads hope and joy during the holiday season, and most importantly, helps grant future wishes to children with critical illnesses.

It’s an idea that took root in Toronto in 2016 with just eight trees and has now sprouted across Canada.

“We invite supporters to sponsor a tree and we pair them with a wish child to customize a special holiday tree just for them, bringing each child’s vision to life,” said Marjorie Smith, Sales Manager – BS&S who is involved with the organization. “Last year was the first event of this kind for Saskatchewan. Our family was a recipient of a tree based on my daughter’s wish, to travel to Disney World in 2018.”

“This year, as SaskTel was a sponsor, we organized a team of SaskTel ‘elves’ to assist with the tree decorating for a new recipient family.”

When all the trees are decorated, a special unveiling is held at an invitation only, in-person event, where donors meet their wish kids, hear their stories of courage and celebrate the joy of the season.

It’s a magical day that celebrates the joy and wonder of the season and creates unforgettable memories for wish families and donors alike. Following the event, the trees are delivered to each wish family’s home for them to enjoy over the holidays.

Marjorie is grateful to work for a company that supports worthy organizations.

“It feels great!” she said. “SaskTel is in every community across the province supporting amazing causes like Make-A-Wish, many of which are not advertised. It’s part of our culture and I’m so proud to work for an organization that has and continues to be invested in our communities and to provide support. Many of these causes impact our own SaskTel family and working for an organization that is so supportive means a lot.”

Besides helping with Trees of Joy, Marjorie is also chair for the Make-A- Wish golf tournament known as ‘Golf for Wishes’ which takes place next June.

“All the Make-A-Wish events have a special place in my heart,” said Marjorie. “The Trees event running during the holidays is very special. The magic of Christmas and children go hand in hand. I also enjoy the collaboration and networking with other corporate donors as they see first-hand, the impact of their donations and how it changes lives for children with critical illnesses.”

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