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Wireless Fair Use Policy

Wireless Data Usage

SaskTel data limitations are in place to ensure an optimal network experience for all our customers. By managing the data usage of a very small group of the heaviest data users, we can maintain a higher quality of service for all customers. Managing data consumption also allows us to continue to offer the only Canada-wide data plans with no additional roaming charges.

The Wireless Fair Use Policy data usage limits are:

  • 0 GB per monthly billing cycle for totalSHARE Watch $0 plan.
  • 250 MB per monthly billing cycle for the Talk + Text + Data 15 plan. 
  • 1 GB per monthly billing cycle for the totalSHARE Data Only and totalSHARE Watch, Smart Data 1 and Business Unlimited Data Only 1GB plans.
  • 3 GB per monthly billing cycle for the Smart Data 3 plan.
  • 5 GB per monthly billing cycle for the Total 5, totalSHARE Nationwide 5 GB, totalSHARE Canada & U.S. 5 GB, and Business Unlimited Data Only 5GB plans.
  • 15 GB per monthly billing cycle for the Total 15, VIP 90, noSTRINGS Complete 95, totalSHARE Nationwide 15 GB, and totalSHARE Canada & U.S. 15 GB plans.
  • 20 GB per monthly billing cycle for Business VIP 60, VIP 80 (BUS - Family Offer), Business VIP 80, and the VIP 20 plan.
  • 25 GB per monthly billing cycle for the totalSHARE Nationwide 25 GB, totalSHARE Canada & U.S. 25 GB, and Promo Nationwide 25 - Unlimited plans.
  • 30 GB per monthly billing cycle for Total 30, noSTINGS Complete Nationwide 95, noSTRINGS Complete 125, totalSHARE Nationwide 30 GB and totalSHARE Canada & U.S. 30 GB plans.
  • 35 GB per monthly billing cycle for VIP 35 plan.
  • 45 GB per monthly billing cycle for the Promo Canada & U.S. 45 – Unlimited plan.
  • 50 GB per monthly billing cycle for Business VIP 115, Business VIP 135, totalSHARE Nationwide 50 GB, and totalSHARE Canada & U.S. 50 GB plans.
  • 60 GB per monthly billing cycle for noSTRINGS Complete Canada & U.S. 100 plan.
  • 70 GB per monthly billing cycle for the Promo Canada & U.S. 70 - Unlimited and VIP 70 plans.
  • 75 GB per monthly billing cycle for the totalSHARE Nationwide 75 GB, totalSHARE Canada & U.S. 75 GB, VIP 75 (BUS - Family Offer), Business VIP Unlimited 75, and Business Unlimited 75 plans.
  • 100 GB per monthly billing cycle for the totalSHARE Nationwide 100 GB, totalSHARE Canada & U.S. 100 GB, and noSTRINGS Complete Canada & U.S. 115 plans.
  • 150 GB per monthly billing cycle for the totalSHARE Canada & U.S. 150 GB, totalSHARE Canada, U.S. & Mexico 150 GB, Business VIP Unlimited CAN & U.S. 150, VIP 150 (BUS - Family Offer), Ultd CAN U.S. & Mexico, Business Unlimited CAN & U.S. 150, Business VIP Unlimited CAN U.S. & MX 150, and Business Unlimited CAN U.S. & MX 150 plans.
  • 200 GB per monthly billing cycle for the totalSHARE Canada, U.S. & Mexico 200 GB plan.
  • 10 GB per monthly billing cycle for all other wireless data plans that include unlimited data.

See the Wireless Fair Use Policy Non-Tariff (pdf) for complete details.

Exceeding The Wireless Fair Use Policy Limits for Data

If you exceed the Wireless Fair Use Policy usage limits, your wireless data service will be slowed down to 256 Kbps download and upload speeds for Talk + Text + Data 15; 512 Kbps download and upload speeds for Total 5, Total 10, totalSHARE Data Only, totalSHARE Nationwide, totalSHARE Canada & U.S., totalSHARE Canada, U.S. & Mexico, VIP 35, totalSHARE Watch, Smart Data 1, Promo Nationwide 25  Unlimited, and Promo Canada & U.S. 45  Unlimited;  1 Mbps download and upload speeds for noSTRINGS Complete 95, and 2 Mbps download and upload speeds for all other wireless data plans that include unlimited data, for the remainder of your billing period. This will affect all of your wireless data services such as browsing the web, streaming audio and video, uploading and downloading pictures and any apps that require an internet connection.

Please be assured that this slowdown will still allow you to access web browsing, email and instant messaging. While you probably won't notice the difference if you are browsing webpages, you may notice difficulty in doing activities that consume high bandwidth, such as when you try to stream radio or videos.


If you go over the data limit, you'll receive a text message informing you that your data speed has been reduced for the rest of your billing period. Please note that Mobile Internet and MiFi devices are unable to receive text messages. Incoming text messages are always free.

  • From: 3065200051
  • Message: "Your SaskTel wireless data speed in Canada has been reduced for the rest of this bill period."

To prevent your service from being slowed, you can monitor your data usage by visiting

Restoring Your Data Speeds

At the end of your billing period, your data speed will return to normal. However, if your data usage exceeds the limit in any subsequent billing period, your wireless data service will again be slowed for the remainder of that period.

See Restoring your wireless data speed for more information.

Non-SaskTel Network Data Usage

We've partnered with other carriers to offer wireless coverage outside of Saskatchewan. As a result of these partnership costs, we've established the Wireless Fair Use Policy to manage your wireless data usage while you're using another carrier's network outside of Saskatchewan.

In Canada

While on another carrier's network in Canada (with whom SaskTel has roaming agreements):

  • With the exception of customers who use more than half of their data outside of Saskatchewan (see below), your data usage limits anywhere in Canada are the same as when you are on the SaskTel network.
  • Primary data use outside of Saskatchewan: SaskTel wireless data services are meant to be used primarily within Saskatchewan. If a majority of your data usage on an ongoing basis is occurring outside of Saskatchewan, we reserve the right to limit your data speeds and/or the amount of data transferred; deny, suspend or terminate the service or any part, component or feature thereof, without notice, of anyone believed to be using any SaskTel provided wireless data service or feature in any manner that adversely impacts SaskTel. This reservation applies to all data plans and will affect all of your wireless internet and data services.


There are no data usage limits or speed reductions imposed by SaskTel when you travel internationally; but remember, you have to pay for the data you use, and it can be quite expensive. For example, roaming charges in some areas are $15 per MB.

Wireless Voice and Text Usage

The SaskTel Wireless Fair Use Policy includes new information on limits and restrictions for voice and text services purchased on an unlimited basis. We want to make sure you understand how these services work to prevent any surprises on your bill.

Please Note: SaskTel does not guarantee the speed of its wireless network nor the speed of any SaskTel wireless service due to a variety of factors including without limitation, customer device type, SaskTel wireless network congestion, SaskTel wireless signal strength and the distance the customer is from a SaskTel wireless service tower when accessing the SaskTel wireless network or using any SaskTel wireless service. Building materials may also impact indoor coverage, speed and performance of the SaskTel wireless network and SaskTel wireless service offerings.