About Community Stories
About community stories

At SaskTel, connecting with Saskatchewan communities is at the core of what we do and who we are. We do this not only with technology and networks, but through community involvement, sponsorships, grants, partnerships, and scholarships.
We can't do it alone, nor would we want to. We have always said we have the best employees in the world, and besides all the great things they do under the SaskTel name, it is their personal stories and achievements that continually amaze and inspire us.
Because we value our connection to communities as much as we value our employees, we couldn't help but share these stores focusing on both.
To find out more about our community stories, or to submit an idea, please contact:
Lindsay Mazenc, SaskTel Manager of External Communications
Phone: 306.777.5688
E-mail: lindsay.mazenc@sasktel.com