SaskTel's efforts to reduce our environmental footprint

SaskTel's efforts to reduce our environmental footprint

April 27, 2015

Greenest award

Greg Hern believes the more we think about little things that make a big difference to the environment, the easier they become to incorporate into our lives.


Greg Hern believes that 'green' is a state of mind.

And by green, he's not referring to currency or everyone's favourite football team. Instead, it's about being environmentally aware, both at work and in our personal lives.

"Like anything else in life, the more we think about little things that make a big difference to the environment, the easier they become to incorporate into our lives," said Greg, who works as the HR Manager in SaskTel's Environment group.


"I believe the simplest decision that has environmental benefits likely has other sometimes more tangible benefits - most commonly money and time.  This can be as easy as turning your lights off when you're not in the room, unplugging unused equipment and teleconferencing when appropriate instead of travelling."

Green thoughts are certainly a big piece of the puzzle for SaskTel, where 156,000 kg of end of life electronics and 125,000 kg of office paper were recycled in 2014.  And the company's Environmental Strategy which was completed in 2014, is one of the few strategies available for public consumption (it's publicly available on

The company's green focus has not gone unnoticed, as SaskTel was recently recognized as one of Canada's Greenest Employers for the seventh year in a row.

"The recognition is important because the bar has been raised significantly since the award was first introduced, and we have upped our game," Greg said.

With only about 3% of the winners coming from Saskatchewan, SaskTel has established itself as a leader and role model with our environmental stewardship.  The company has a solid reputation for its greenhouse gas management and waste reduction.

"There's a great amount of value in this, since the world is becoming more environmentally focused all the time, and customers are demanding products and services that not only meet economic needs but are environmentally friendly," he said.

Greg also recognizes the importance on a more internal level.

"An important aspect of this is creating a culture within SaskTel where our people understand the value of responsible and sustainable practices," he added.  "So congratulations to everyone at SaskTel and let's all keep thinking green!"

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