Inspiring Inclusion: Women Tell the SaskTel Story in New Social Media Campaign
Inspiring Inclusion: Women Tell the SaskTel Story in New Social Media Campaign

Top row L to R: Amanda Halderman, Carissa Woolsey, Bottom row L to R: Colleen Madden, Karlee Garand
On March 8, 2024, we celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD).
It’s an opportunity to honour the social, economic, and cultural achievements of women, while reflecting on progress made towards achieving gender equality and the work remaining to be done.
The theme for this year’s IWD is ‘Inspire Inclusion’. At SaskTel, women are doing just that – inspiring inclusion!
Four of those women are included in a new promotional campaign that features women in roles that are considered non-traditional. The campaign includes a video that was created as a means of promoting the SaskTel work experience to prospective employees while showcasing SaskTel’s support for women in technology.
In the video, employees speak about what has made SaskTel a great choice for them.
“Right from the beginning I knew that there was a lot of opportunity at SaskTel,” said Colleen Madden, Director – Business Transformation, who is part of the campaign. “We specifically have a goal we call ‘IDEA’ – which stands for inclusion, diversion, equity, and accessibility. We try to embed that culture in our hiring and in different workplace environments.”
Amanda Halderman, Director – Wireless Access and Technology Management, speaks to her military background that eventually led to SaskTel opportunities that enable her to emphasize her strengths.
“My job in the military was to build communications networks, that really became a defining moment for me in what I love to do,” she said. “And then the opportunity came to join SaskTel and my job is no different here - leading and managing the people that build communication networks.”
“Managing people in a technical environment has its own level of complexity. It’s what I find very specifically rewarding about my work.”
For Carissa Woolsey, Engineer – Technical Support, the diversity and opportunities SaskTel supports make a real difference for her.
“We are a diverse team and I think it’s important to have representation from all aspects of life,” said Carissa. “What I love about working for SaskTel is that there are so many opportunities and so many different technologies that I can never get bored.”
While tackling some of our company’s most technologically complex situations, all the women represented in the campaign do so with enthusiasm that leads to personal and professional fulfillment.
“When I tell people what I do for a living I do get a sense of pride,” said Karlee Garand, Trunking & Switching Technician. “It’s a pretty big deal what we do in Wireless Network Operations keeping the cell network running.”
With this campaign, it’s hard not to notice the sense of inclusion and accomplishment the company offers.
“I’m not only an Engineer, I’m a mother, I’m a wife, I’m a mentor,” said Carissa. “I have the full package here at SaskTel. SaskTel is the home team. It’s a no brainer that I would want to stay and support my province.”
The campaign video can be viewed here.
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