
There’s no better connection.

Find your Wireless, Internet, TV, and Home Security with us.

Connect. Bundle. Save.

Nothing matters more than the ways we connect. For everything that's important -- there's no better connection than SaskTel. Plus, when you bundle your services with us you can save each and every month.

woman in a field

Get our best unlimited wireless plan

Bundle SaskTel TV with an eligible Internet plan1 and get access to our exclusive VIP 70 wireless plan, which gives you 70 GB of full-speed shareable Canada-wide data plus 5 GB of full-speed U.S. data, with unlimited data at reduced speeds2 for just $85/mo.

Explore wireless

Home Services


Experience the best live TV with sports, local news, and more, plus tons of series and movies on demand--at home or on the go.

Explore TV


With a variety of speeds on our infiNET fibre optic network, it's easy to find the perfect plan for your home's needs.

Explore Internet

Home Security

Put protection and control of your home at your fingertips. Whatever your security or home automation needs are, we've got a Home Security package that's right for you.

Explore Home Security

1Data speeds are reduced to a maximum of 512 Kbps once the full-speed data amount is reached.

2To be eligible for VIP 70 wireless plan, customers must have linked home services and wireless accounts within their mySASKTEL profile and maxTV or maxTV Stream and one of the following internet plans: interNET 25, interNET 50, infiNET 80, infiNET 150, infiNET 300, infiNET 600, infiNET 1 Gig, interNET Extended 25, or interNET Extended 50.

Bundle savings depend on product availability in your area and number of services you have. Services eligible for bundle savings include Postpaid Wireless plans, TV, Internet, homePHONE Anytime North America Unlimited Long Distance, and smartHOME.

See Consumer and Business Bundles (pdf) for terms of service.

Monthly recurring charges for:

  • Wireless services appear on your SaskTel wireless bill.
  • TV, Internet, homePHONE, and smartHOME services appear on your SaskTel wireline bill.
  • All bundle credits appear on your SaskTel wireline bill. For more information, see Understanding Bundle credits on your SaskTel bill.


  • maxTV or maxTV Stream service is available in certain areas of the province. Check the availability of service near you.
  • maxTV over interNET can only be bundled with interNET 5, interNET 10, and interNET 25. maxTV over infiNET can only be bundled with infiNET 40, 80, 150, 300, 600, and 1 Gig.
  • 10 Mbps or faster Internet is required for maxTV Stream service.



  • Only eligible Postpaid Wireless rate plans are eligible for Bundle savings. For more information, see Wireless rate plans.
  • If you have maxTV with Internet in your Bundle, you are eligible to receive an additional $10 per month Bundle saving by adding a Postpaid Wireless rate plan. Without maxTV in your Bundle, your eligible additional monthly Bundle saving is $5 per month when you add a Postpaid Wireless rate plan.

Home phone Anytime North America long distance

  • Local access service rate depends on your location. Excess mileage and extended area charges may also apply in certain areas.
  • Available to single line customers only.
  • Unlimited rates apply when you dial from your home phone to numbers in Canada and the U.S. (including Alaska and Hawaii). Calls to Mexico are not included.